30 Sept 2016

Quarter Life Crisis (Year 25)

I can’t believe I am at 25, I know I say this every year but this is crazy the years go by so much that I forget its my birthday when its just about on top of me and I can’t ignore it anymore. 

This year, like many of the others before, I come to have a realisation in life. This year I found its been a very personal one, guess all of them are, but this year I have been having a lot of trouble with relationships - Friendships to be exact. This will need some explantation so bare with me while I figure out my thoughts as I write them down.

The older you get, the people in your life thins out like E hair. In school I was always surrounded with a community of close friends until I moved countries, then that faded over time and the distance, I never felt ‘lost’ (for the lack of better words) until this year. This year I came to realise the people who wants to spend their time with me/us and who one wants to use me/us - we found that the friendships appeared one sided and that we would always be the ones to ‘initiate’ everything. I felt like we were the only one working on keeping these friends around, and got tiring, draining and hard work. We ended up pulling back and it feels like they haven’t even noticed, it was sad and hard but a reality. Besides family I found that many people in our life only wanted to use us or ‘milk’ us and this hurt. I realise that life is hard, busy and everything in between, but just like we would touch base and be supportive we need those message of thoughts and love too. 

I don’t want this post to be negative and stay true to the title ‘Quarter Life Crisis’ but above all this made us realise there is only a very small amount of people I feel like we are 50/50 and when needed the other can pick up more when necessary and vice versa. 

Saying all this my family has always been my/our foundation and people who need us as much as we need them. My Parents including Parents In-law are people we can look up to and lean on for support. 

E had been my constant, my personal and best friends, we have been each others foundation and I can’t have asked for a better person in my life to share this adventure. Above all my thoughts and feelings this has made us closer and proven how much love we share. 

Maybe this has been somewhat a Quarter Life Crisis, or is this just what everyone goes thru?

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