21 Feb 2014

Hassie Adventure - Week 30

Well its official E and I will be leaving the mountain in 3 weeks, 1 of those weeks we are going to be in Sydney. We have been wanting to leaving for a while but wanted to say a bit more money before we move on.

Even though that hasn't happened since we decided to move on but our happiness is more important that money.

We have applied for a new job and E basically has got it but I'm still worried of course that thing might not work out. E things this is silly because he can easily get a job anywhere - which is very true but its hard to let go of what you know and rely on.

At the moment we don't have to worry about buying food and cooking nor do we have to drive to work. Its really helping us save up quite a bit of money, so if we can't be in a similar position it will take some adjusting on my part.

Thinking back for when we were in Albany and working as a carer there - it was a little awkward to get ready for work in the morning in a van and driving my whole home to work with E in the back snoring.

I'd like not to have that again, I'd rather work and save up and travel and then work in a similar environment.

We will see what happens in the weeks to come. Very exited to go to Sydney to meet my all grown up Niece Ivy and my sister and brother-inlaw.

Weekly Total:
  • Km Driven this week - 12
  • Places of Interest - 
      • Waldheim Chalet
      • Weindorfers Forrest Walk
  • Paid Accommodation - None
  • $$ Spent - $0 (Excluding Gas)
  • Gas 
    • Litres - 0
    • $ - $0
    • Places - None


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